What and where to eat deliciously in Sochi? Food prices


Where to eat deliciously in Sochi? What restaurants and cafes to choose for meals on vacation with children, how much will lunch or dinner cost? Let's consider all the questions related to food prices and the average check. We will find out what to try from the delicious and where to shop.

Talking about a visit to Sochi is often limited to mentioning the sea and beaches. Sometimes they talk about ski resorts, hotels, tell how to get there and where to stay. But the "culinary" side of the Black Sea resort deserves no less attention.

What to eat in Sochi?

What to try first?

The question of what to try in Sochi has a clear and unambiguous answer - first of all, the classic of the Black Sea cuisine. The city will offer khachapuri and khinkali, various pasties and kebabs in local cafes or even on the beach. Fish of various breeds and sizes are willingly prepared. Cold smoked trout and flounder steaks - these are the two main masterpieces of local cuisine that will delight any tourist.

Exceptional emotions will create a close acquaintance with a hot home Sochi cheese... Its taste far exceeds the expectations that the name creates. Young cheese is melted in a ceramic pot on a fire. In addition, after melting, lay greens, egg yolk, Svan salt and hominy. The resulting mass is spread on a cake fried until crispy. No Alpine fondue comes close.

Seafood meal

  • It is appropriate to continue the review of Sochi food with an example rapanov... These mollusks are actively caught, because since the 1950s they have been trying to oust the indigenous inhabitants of the sea - mussels. Rapana meat contains a significant amount of protein, and therefore it satisfies hunger well. Concerning red mullet, it is quite tasty, but too small fish. More often it is fried and smoked. Both products are prepared in any restaurant.

  • From international dishes deserves attention sprat pate... It is prepared on Baltic bread, adding processed cheese, quail eggs and young onions. This dish delights even sophisticated gourmets.


  • Going back to Sochi cuisine, it's silly to ignore Krasnaya Polyana honey... You can taste it directly at the apiary. The facilities here were established long before the 2014 Olympics and even before the deployment of ski resorts. Sochi beekeepers, with the help of gray Caucasian and Krasnaya Polyana bees, obtain chestnut and alpine, clover and acacia, buckwheat and blueberry-blackberry honey.

The final three dishes in Sochi are worth a special presentation. In eighth place on the list is deservedly cheese... Here it is produced in a wide variety of forms and at very different prices. The highest quality products are naturally expensive. In addition to suluguni, gourmets recommend trying feta cheese, hard goat and homemade fresh cheese. It is appropriate to supplement the review by mentioning the Adyghe cheese, which is close to the chic Italian counterparts.

Alcoholic drinks

  • The ninth line in the general list of Sochi dishes is taken by local wines... The brands "Fanagoria", "Abrau-Dyurso", "Milstream" sound the sweetest music in the ears of connoisseurs. You can find suitable drinks in any supermarket and liquor store. But true connoisseurs go to private wineries. There, before the sale of drinks, a tasting is required.

By the way, we have made an excellent selection of accommodation in Abrau-Dyurso with good reviews and ratings, you can book without hesitation.


  • The last place is occupied by tea... Its quality and taste depend not so much on the equipment as on the correct cultivation and collection of the leaf itself. Sochi tea has an intense taste and aroma. It is quite pleasant to take it as a souvenir, and this product does not overload suitcases on the way back.

What to try on the "street" in Sochi?

  • It is advisable to start an overview of street food in Sochi with kebabs... They are cooked literally everywhere. It is advisable to order not "just any", but a classic Caucasian shish kebab. But real gourmets consider it a desecration of their lips to eat it in the open air! They rush to the Caucasian Aul restaurant, which appears in the film Be My Husband. Visitors note that the live establishment looks even better than it does on screen. Shish kebab prepared on Mount Akhun is considered no worse. The fact that you will have to eat at an altitude of more than 600 meters above sea level is incomparable.


  • From fruits and vegetables in season it is advised to try medlar, raspberries, cherries, watermelons, strawberries, apricots, peaches. In the first half of autumn, freshly harvested figs are sold. And yet the original Sochi fruit turns out to be feijoa. If we go back to the review of the street food itself, then we should name churchkhela. It is made here much tastier than the one sold in supermarkets.

Food prices in Sochi

When traveling to the Black Sea coast, it is useful to know the prices of food in Sochi. The payment for the same food in supermarkets is less than in the markets. Convenience stores charge an additional fee. All other things being equal, outlets located near the sea charge higher prices than those far from the water.

Food cost in Sochi is something like this:

  • Meals in an inexpensive restaurant - 700 rubles,
  • Meals in a mid-range restaurant - 2,500 rubles,
  • Burger - 350.00 rubles,
  • Homemade beer (0.5 l. Draft) - 65 rubles,
  • Imported beer (0.33 liter bottle) - 110 rubles,
  • Cappuccino (regular) - 127.50 rubles,
  • Pepsi (0.33 liter bottle) - 42.50 rubles,
  • Water (0.33 liter bottle) - 25 rubles.

Figuring out food prices in Sochi in 2021, it is worth indicating the following figures:

  • A kilogram of pork or beef from 320 to 450,
  • Tomatoes from 50 to 80,
  • Fish (1 kg) from 150 to 350,
  • Bread from 18 to 30,
  • A dozen eggs from 58 to 75,
  • Butter (1 pack) from 45 to 80,
  • Liter of milk from 42 to 50,
  • Chicken from 130 to 150 rubles,
  • Potatoes from 25 to 40 rubles,
  • Rice (white), (1kg) 70.83,
  • Local cheese (1 kg) 500,
  • Beef (1 kg) 445.00,
  • Apples (1 kg) 75.90,
  • Banana (1 kg) 70.66,
  • Oranges (1kg) 68.33,
  • Onions (1 kg) 27.50,
  • Salad (1 head) 37.50,
  • Water (bottle 1.5 l) 34.38,
  • Bottle of wine (mid-range) 400,
  • Homemade beer (bottle 0.5 l) 53.33,
  • Imported beer (0.33 l bottle) 100 rubles

Alcohol prices:

  • You can buy a 0.7 liter bottle of wine for 150 - 400 rubles.
  • The fee for a regular bottle of vodka will be 210 - 350 (depending on the brand and store).
  • Homemade beer (0.5 l bottle) - 60.
  • Imported beer (0.33 l bottle) - 100.
  • Cognac (0.5 l) will cost at least 350 rubles.

Where to eat tasty in Sochi?

The prices for food in Sochi in cafes and restaurants are quite high. When you cook yourself or visit budget canteens, you will have to spend an average of 700 - 800 rubles per day. You can dine in a restaurant for two (when alcohol is also placed on the table) for at least 1000 rubles. You can save money by booking a hotel with meals, at least with breakfast. It is also logical to ask questions such as where to go to eat in Sochi, tasty and inexpensive. The opposite question is also logical: where to dine in Sochi with live music. Such establishments also exist, but they cannot be attributed to the budget category.

  • It is advisable to start a survey of local establishments with a cafe.White Nights».

The atmosphere that had developed by the beginning of the 1980s is carefully preserved here. The owners deliberately refused to change the interiors in the room. At the same time, cleanliness and order are carefully maintained. The locals themselves believe that amazing khinkali are prepared in White Nights. Reviews of tourists about food in Sochi confirm this assessment. But the excellent quality of local cuisine and comfortable prices mean that the cafe is constantly overcrowded. You can try 5 large khinkali at the corner of Morskoy Lane with Ordzhonikidze Street for 150-200 rubles.

  • An alternative to this establishment is the restaurant “Gostidze».

This is another great place to eat in Sochi, which is quite reasonable. But at the same time it is worth remembering that the average check per 1 consumer is more than 1000 rubles. And alcohol is not included in this amount yet.

  • In the restaurantSalkhino»You can dine together with alcohol and pay no more than 1,500 rubles.

The restaurant menu is plentiful, and it is located on the road to Agursky waterfalls. The large hall uses the motives of an old Caucasian stone house. The summer street part has also been prepared. It is advised to go to Salkhino even with children. There is a large car park nearby.

  • Among the street establishments, the bar "At the fisherman».

Lunches and dinners are cheap and enjoyable. Most of the seats are located on a large terrace overlooking the sea. The decor is cozy and does not contain the slightest pretentious notes. For 100 grams of fish they pay 100 rubles, and the same portion of mussels costs 120 rubles. For drinks, they charge 50 - 120 rubles per serving. You can find a bar by the Herota River in Adler; go there from the stops "Vzletnaya" and "Orange".

  • Returning to the cafe, we should also mention “Old bazaar».

Here, for 2 decades, they have been preparing home and Caucasian cuisine. It takes no more than half an hour to serve a three-course meal. The Old Bazaar has a collection of old-fashioned utensils and musical instruments. The cafe is located in the Central District of Sochi. The average bill is 500 - 700 rubles (when ordering 2 or 3 dishes).

  • And the cafe del Mar can be considered both ordinary and street at the same time; an open terrace is located on the second floor.
